Common Building Code Violations

We all know that there are building codes which must be complied with in Florida. The Legislature has determined that contractors are accountable to the state and to the public, when there are building code violations. But what kind of violations are the most common?
Building Code Violations
Of course, cities and local jurisdictions will be the first to note, and cite, building code violations under applicable Florida laws and local codes and ordinances. If violations aren’t cured in a reasonable amount of time, a fine of between $500-$5,000 can be imposed on the builder contractor or licensee.
The builder does have the option of disagreeing with, and contesting, the citation or violation, so long as the dispute is filed within 30 days of the violation.
If the dispute is registered, payment of any fine is put on hold, and the case is referred to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, or other licensing body. If no dispute is registered, the fine must be paid and corrections made otherwise the licensee’s ability to obtain permits in the future will be suspended.
The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation also has the duty to keep systems of reporting violations and records of discipline taken against any such professionals, including those that are the result of building code violations or failures to fix them.
Top Code Violations
The top code violations according to one study conducted by the University of Florida, were strapping problems, trusses, connectors, and roof sheathing.
Strapping is hurricane straps that secure a building’s roof to the walls. They also attach windows and window sills to the structure. These are strictly regulated by building codes, because of Florida’s persistent hurricanes. Usually, lack of straps, or incorrectly placed or installed strapping are common problems and violations of building codes.
Trusses help the roof carry its own load and also help the roof be supported by exterior walls. Improper spacing, angles, or load bearing, were common code violations.
Inland vs. Coastal Structures and Violations
Trusses had the highest incidence of building code violations for inland properties, but for structures that were coastal, strapping (followed by roof sheathing) were the most commonly cited violations.
Electrical problems and wall and roof sheathing were problems in the coastal properties that did not appear in the top ten problems for inland structures. Overall, there were more violations of any kind for inland properties than for coastal properties. This could be because of the susceptibility of coastal properties to hurricane damage, which may motivate builders to comply with applicable building codes.
The top violation in Broward was Connector and fastener problems, while the top problem in Palm Beach was strapping. There was no study of properties or violations in Miami-Dade in the study.
Call our Fort Lauderdale construction attorneys at Sweeney Law P.A. at 954 440-3993 to help you with problems with any building code problems, or in dealing with any government agency.