Monthly Archives: November 2024

Can You Prohibit Former Employees From Contacting Your Referral Sources?
Most business owners understand the importance of protecting those things that make their business run. That may include their trade secrets, customer lists, their time tested processes and procedures, and all the things that just make their business work. But what about your referral sources? Is it possible to tell someone working for you… Read More »

Getting Attorneys fees for Collecting on Your Judgment
You may already know that getting a judgment doesn’t mean actually getting any money. You still have to collect on that judgment. While some Defendants may pay what the court orders grudgingly but quickly, other Defendants either can’t or won’t pay a judgment entered against them. That means that you may need to do… Read More »

Mistakes People Make When Accepting Late Rent Payments
If you own property that is rented out, you may have a dilemma when a tenant needs to make a late payment. On the one hand, tenants are hard to find. So if your tenant needs to pay rent a bit late, you may be smart in not having a knee jerk reaction to… Read More »

Common Errors and Omissions in Partnership Agreements
When you look at them from the outside, partnerships seem so informal. It just seems like a few people getting together to handle a business matter. In fact, the informality that comes with partnerships is one of its major benefits. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make mistakes—you can. Many of those mistakes… Read More »