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Monthly Archives: May 2024


The Intracorporate Conspiracy Doctrine Can Protect Some Employees From Liability

By Sweeney Law, PA |

When companies do wrong—say, defraud customers, or try to evade tax or immigration laws, or they steal or lie to shareholders—we know that there may not only be civil, monetary penalties, but even criminal penalties as well, in more serious situations. But for a company to commit wrongdoing, there has to be more than… Read More »

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Getting Attorneys Fees: Putting it in the Contract may Not be Enough

By Sweeney Law, PA |

You may already know how important an attorney fee provision on your contracts can be. Attorneys fees for a prevailing party, can discourage frivolous lawsuits, and give clients more freedom to pursue their case, knowing that the money they are paying to their attorney, will eventually be paid back, when the case is over,… Read More »

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The Basics of Corporate Minutes

By Sweeney Law, PA |

You’ve probably been in a meeting, and heard someone ask who will take minutes. And if you know what minutes are, they probably just sound like a formality, a task and extra work that you can just as easily do without. But in actuality, corporate minutes are an important part of your business, and… Read More »

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